2018 with the Missionaries of Divine Revelation

Our friends and acquaintances often comment on our life and encourage us to share some examples of what it means to be a religious sister and the Mission that the Lord has entrusted to us.

2018 has been an important year for the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. We have expanded our mission in neighbouring parishes to work with candidates for First Holy Communion, Confirmation and also the training of the catechists themselves. In addition, we have started to deliver workshops on femininity for young women that have proved very popular. The Lord has also sent us abroad on Missions to Argentina, Brazil, England, Texas USA and Italy whilst our Catechesis with Art programme continues to grow and find new frontiers in other places.

In terms of celebrations, without a doubt, the most important this year was the First Profession of Sr Caterina and Sr Daniela’s 70th birthday! Many of our friends have also brought their celebrations into the convent to share their special festivities with us too.

To celebrate 2018, we have collated some of our favourite moments together in this video so that we could rightly say “Deo Gratias,” or thanks be to God for all His blessings during this past year! We hope that you enjoy this glimpse of our life and you too can join us in thanking God for all His goodness to us.

God Bless Us
And the Virgin Protect Us

The Missionaries of Divine Revelation