Second Sunday of Advent

The Gospel of the second Sunday of Advent takes the text from the Prophet Isaiah which spoke of, “A voice of one crying out in the desert,” to refer to the mission of St John the Baptist. He prepared his people for the coming of the Messiah by preaching a baptism of conversion for the forgiveness of sins.

St John the Baptist preaching the Gospel by Raphael (1505)

How can we prepare ourselves for the coming of the King of Kings? We too can prepare for Christ’s coming by the purification of our hearts. Only a pure heart that is detached from sin is ready to welcome the Lord. What takes us far from God is not so much our sins, but rather, our attachment to them. St Bernadette said, “God is not so displeased by our sins, providing we don’t love them.” St Francis di Sales taught that our sins are the throne of God’s mercy and our weaknesses are the seat of His almighty power because, every time we confess them, they make His immense goodness and His infinite mercy shine fourth.

When we light our second Advent candle let us promise to make a good preparation for Christmas. We can do this by making a good confession in the knowledge that in the very moment that we receive absolution, Jesus gives us pardon and peace.

We wish you a blessed journey through this season of Advent as you prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas.