The Place That God Has Chosen For Me!

progetto di Dio

‘All things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose’ (cf Rm 8:28) It is with this certainty that one must pray to the Lord to ask Him; ‘Lord, what do you want me to do? If this happens in my life, or this other thing what do these situations that have brought me to this place and given me this type of experience ask of me? Lord what do you want me to do?’ In this way one matures and can make authentic and constructive Christian choices for ourselves. Outside the path signalled by God for me and written on my heart, I expose my life to failure. This is why there is so much unhappiness in the world; it is because one isn’t in the right place! Happiness, instead, consists in being in the place that God has chosen for me.

All the vocations that God gives are written in a great project of universal charity and love. Let’s think of a concert. If every instrumentalist plays their violin, flute etc well, in accordance with the role that they have been entrusted with, a marvellous and harmonic symphony is created. The instrumentalist, in this way, realises in his very being, all at the same time, the harmony of the whole work. The vocation of every person is like the different parts in the orchestra and like the musical instruments. Everyone is necessary in the great concert of life and the Church in order to realise the personal harmony of the ecclesial body.

No man is an island, but part of a continent and every one of us is necessary for the good of all. The work entrusted to a single person is to work for the good of the others. The work entrusted to the others is to work of the good of the single person. Only in this way do we have the full efficiency in the Mystical Body of the Church. Christian Social doctrine is founded on this principle that was born from the knowledge of the faith. If I make my life a gift for the others, I will find my own happiness!

The vocation is therefore, a gift from God for my happiness.

Let us respond like Mary; ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’ (Lk 1:38) Jesus also said of Himself: ‘For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many’. (Mk 10:45)