October 31 or November 1?

Once more this year the problem arises whether to celebrate Halloween on the 31st October or the Solemnity of All Saints on the 1st November. Is there something intrinsically wrong with Halloween? Is it incompatible with the Solemnity of All Saints? Many celebrate both anniversaries without even thinking twice about it. However, a serious problem […]

In the Name of Mary

Pope Innocent XI instituted the feast of the Holy Name of Mary on the 12th September to thank Our Lady for the victory of the famous battle of Vienna against the Ottoman Empire on the 11th September 1683. On this day, Europe found itself on the brink of distruction. The Ottoman forces had invaded Vienna […]

The Navicella – An Icon of Faith

The Navicella, by Giotto di Bondone (1266/7 –1337),which illustrates the scene from St Mathew’s Gospel when St Peter walks on water towards Christ, (Mt 14:22-33) is one of St Peter’s Basilica’s most important works. This icon of faith has greeted visitors leaving the Basilica since the early 14th Century onwards. The mosaic that remains today, […]

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mk 6.31)

Chapter 6 of St Mark’s Gospel opens with Jesus rejection by His fellow citizens from Nazareth. Following this rejection ,Jesus left His village but didn’t abandon His mission to announce the Kingdom of God but rather intensified it by enlisting the help of His disciples: “He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out […]

St Joseph’s Fountain: the 100th Fountain in the Vatican City

St Joseph’s fountain, realised in 2010 by architects Giuseppe Facchini and Barbara Bellano in collaboration with artist Franco Murer, brings the number of fountains in the Vatican city to 100. The fountain was commissioned because the Vatican Gardens, so rich in artistic patrimony from every epoch, was not blessed with a monument in honour of […]

The Most Famous Image of the Sacred Heart

Pompeo Batoni (1708-1787) is the painter who depicted the most famous image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He was born in Lucca in 1708 and his father was a skilled goldsmith who imposed the family trade on his son. As a youth, Batoni displayed his ability in the engraving and decoration of precious metals […]

Devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Is For Everyone

The practice of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was spread due to Jesus’ private revelations to St Margaret Mary Alacoque, a nun of the Paray le Monial Convent in Paris, and was propagated by her confessor the Jesuit, Fr Claude de la Combiere (1641-1682). The feast of the Sacred Heart was celebrated for […]

The Origins of the Feast of Corpus Christi

  The Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated in the Catholic Church on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, in some places, it is transferred to the Sunday. The feast was instituted to honour the Lord’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. There were 2 separate miracles that lead to the institution of the feast in […]