The Annunciation to Our Lady and St Joseph

On March 25 each year, the Church pauses during Lent to solemnly celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation which falls exactly nine months before Christmas. In any case, this joyful interval cannot be considered as an interruption of our Lenten journey because all the mysteries of the life of Jesus are connected to each other. […]

Saint Joseph, Patron of the Church

The memory of Pope Gregory XV resounds on this great Solemnity as, in 1621, he declared the 19th of March an obligatory Feast for the most powerful and humble Saint of the Church: Saint Joseph. St Matthew’s Gospel speaks of him as a “just man” who was willing to fulfil God’s will. Saint Joseph gave […]

20 Anniversary of the Foundation of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation

Dear friends, 2021 is an important moment in the history of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation as it marks 20 years since our foundation. In fact, on the 11th February 2001, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, then Vicar of the Holy Father for Diocese of Rome, signed the decree that made us the Missionaries of Divine Revelation. […]

Have a Holy Christmas 2020

Dear friends, we are about to celebrate the Solemnity of Christmas.  At midnight mass the angels in the Gospel sing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Lk2:14)  This baby is Our Lord, the Prince of Peace who has come to dwell amongst us (cfr […]

The Nativity by Federico Barocci (circa 1590) The humility of God who became a Child.

Christmas is the ideal time to contemplate the Lord’s birth through one of the most beautiful works of art: the Nativity by Barocci. Frederico Barocci (1530-1612), is one of the most important mannerist painters of the 16th century who applied an extraordinary use of colour, characterised by warm colour shades, to his artistic work. The […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The last Sunday of Advent has finally arrived! On this fourth Sunday, the Gospel recounts the story of the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary and her total openness to God’s Will. Our Lady shows her certainty that only by doing God’s Will can we find true joy and peace. How beautiful is Our Lady’s ‘yes’! […]

Prayer of the month – December

8th December – the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tota pulchra es Maria, et macula originalis non es in te. Tu gloria Ierusalem, tu laetitia Israel, tu honorificentia populi nostri, tu advocata peccatorum. O Maria! O Maria! Virgo prudentissima, Mater clementissima, ora pro nobis, intercede pro nobis, ad Dominum Iesum […]

First Sunday of Advent

The first Sunday of Advent signals a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Our Lord Jesus. The Advent wreath helps us to meditate on this ‘waiting’ period before the arrival of Christmas. It is circular to indicate the fact that God is eternal, without beginning or end. It is a crown made […]

Novena to the Immaculate Conception: Tota Pulchra es Maria

Tota pulchra es Maria, et macula originalis non es in te. Tu gloria Ierusalem, tu laetitia Israel, tu honorificentia populi nostri, tu advocata peccatorum.O Maria! O Maria! Virgo prudentissima, Mater clementissima, ora pro nobis, intercede pro nobis, ad Dominum Iesum Christum. You are all beautiful, Mary, and the stain of original sin is not in […]

The Presentation of Mary in the Temple

The 21st November is the World Day of Cloistered Life —Pro Orantibus Day (“For Those Who Pray”). It was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1953 on the day in which we celebrate the liturgical feast of the presentation of Mary in the Temple. To honour this special day, we visit the Chapel of the […]